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More about our Coaching Associates

GoPeak International - Irisha Luhanga - Associate Coach

Irisha Luhanga - RSA
5 Lenses®  Enneagram®

Irisha is a Master Coach with a background in Investment Banking.

She brings depth and warmth to every interaction and is passionate about the long term development of clients.

As a natural Connecter Irisha will prove as valuable ally in developing your network. 

GoPeak International -  Herbi Rijavec - Associate Coach

Herbi Rijavec -RSA

 Jungian Coach 
Brand Value

As an entrepreneur who has helped to start many successful enterprises, Herbi has the tools to navigate you business journey with you. 

His additional training in Jungian Coaching enables the client to discover more of what's across the horizon to success. 

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Deshun Deysel - RSA
Inner Game Theory®
Peak Performance Toolkit®
Tackling The Summit®

Cognitive Behavioural Theory

Leadership and Strategy Support for fast-growing Start-Ups.

Team Alignment for high performance teams.

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Edward Carlos Platt (RSA
Leadership Coaching
ETDP-SETA Accredited Trainer

International Author

Edward is blessed with a range of skills-sets 

Go Peak International - Cindy Dixon-Bell - Associate Coach

Cindy Dixon-Bell - Cameroon


Coaching a Systemic Leadership lens to connect careers, teams, businesses & environments

Cindy bring decades of corporate experience and is excellent at providing leadership coaching journeys. If you are the head of a growing team, Cindy's expertise is the what you're looking for. 

GoPeak International - Peter Bremner - Associate Coach

Peter Bremner - RSA

Clifton Strengths®,

DISC® Profiling, etc.

Sales & Marketing 

Coach, Strategist, and over 2 decades in the FMGC, Wholesale and B2B Sectors.

Peter is passionate about 'calling out the gold' in People and Organisations.

Peter uses over 40 coaching tools to help clients reach Peak Performance.

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Mountain Cabin

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